Fabio Miano

Pearsonally Speaking - A Tribute to Duke Pearson

Xabia Jazz

Fabio Miano (p), David Pastor (tr), Perico Sambeat (as), Jesús Santandreu (ts), Carlos Gónzalez (g), Mario Rossy (b), Esteve Pi (d)

Reference: Xabia Jazz 001

This is a collaboration between the pianist Fabio Miano with some of the best Spanish jazzmen. Fabio plays his favourite compositions from Duke Pearson.
"Mejor disco español 2002" - Cuadernos de Jazz


1. Make it Good
2. Los Malos Hombres
3. Gaslight
4. Jeannine
5. You Know I Care
6. Big Bertha
7. Is That So?
8. Sudel
9. Chili Pepers

Recorded on August 2001.


14,95 €  (tax incl.)

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Pearsonally Speaking - A Tribute to Duke Pearson
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