Ennio Morricone

Once Upon a Time in the West

RCA Sountracks

The Original Soundtrack Recording featruing music composed by Ennio Morricone. Musicians include Edda (vocals), A.Alessandroni (whistler), F. de Gemini (harmonica)

Reference: 74321 93848

Bar code: 74321 93848 2


1. Once Upon a Time in the West
2. As a Judgment
3. Farewell to Cheyenne
4. The Transgression
5. The First Tavern
6. The Second Tavern
7. Man with Harmonica
8. A Dimly Lit Room
9. Bad Orchestra
10. The Man
11. Jills America
12. Death Rattle
13. Finale

Recorded in 1972

14,95 €  (tax incl.)

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