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Reference: 74321 60993 2
Bar code: 74321 609932 0
1. Men Into Space (D.Rose)
- from the TV series "Man Into Space"
2. Hawaiian Eye (M.David-J.Livingston)
- from the TV series "Hawaiian Eye"
3. Staccato's Theme (E.Bernstein)
- from the TV series "Johnny Staccio"
4. The Deputy (J.Marshall)
- from the TV series "The Deputy"
5. Riverboat Theme (E.Berstein)
- from the TV series "Riverboat"
6. Bourbon Street Beat (David-Livingstone)
- from the TV series "Bourbon Street Beat"
7. Bonanza (R.Evans-J.Livingstone)
- from the TV series "Bonanza"
8. Twilight Zone (B.Herman)
- from the TV series "Twilight Zone"
9. San Francisco Blues (J.Goldsmith)
- from the TV series "The Line-Up"
10. The Untouchables (N.Riddle)
- from the TV series "The Untouchables"
11. Markham Theme (S.J.Wilson)
- from the TV series "Markham"
12. International Detective (Shaw-Holmes)
- from the TV series "International Detective"
Recorded in New York City, 1960