Billie Holiday

The Genius of Lady Day - DVD Worlwide Zone - Double Sided NTSC / PAL

Jazz Memories

The tumultuous and erratic existence of an irresistible woman and legendary artist.
This DVD uncovers the life and career of this "dark lady of the sonnets" including many bonus tracks with rare TV and movie clips, her four sequences of "New Orleans" (her unique appearance on a Hollywood movie) and the extremely rare 15-minute musical short directed by Will Cowan and presenting Count Basie and his Sextet, Billie Holiday and "Sugar Chile" Robinson.

Selected discography and filmography.
French and spanish subtitles
Total Time: 65 mins


18,95 €  (tax incl.)

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The Genius of Lady Day - DVD Worlwide Zone - Double Sided NTSC / PAL
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