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Baptiste Castets (d, perc), Frédéric Borey (ts, ss), Sébastien Llado (tb), Edouard Monnin (p), Gabriel Midon (b)
Reference: FSNT-694
Bar code: 8427328436946
Patience, an album that stands the test of time
First of all, the time of lockdown, a suspended time during which I allowed myself to search, experiment, work on a sound identity in a living room transformed into a studio. Patience’ s melodies were born from this parallel research on all the instruments I had around me: guitar, bass, piano, drums.
Patience draws inspiration from different styles that have driven me in different times inmy life: folkmusic, pop music (Gabriel Kahane, Nick Drake or Blake Mills), but also contemporary jazz (Gerald Clayton or Joel Ross). I wanted to create a dialogue between these various inspirations and offer an album made of infinite musical and historical layers.
Patience was thus built on this cohabitation between, on one hand, a short time and a detailed written melodic material, and on the other amore flexible time, transformed into improvisation, surprise, spontaneity personally embodied by each musician.
For this first album as a leader, I chose to collaborate with Frédéric Borey, Sébastien Llado, Edouard Monnin and Gabriel Midon. I admired their creativity, their personality and the way they took hold of music with sincerity, sometimes peaceful and restrained, sometimes more unexpected and restless.
Having always paid particular attention to the sound signature that defines each musician, I’m glad to say they fully brought to Patience their singular sonic imprint.
—Baptiste Castets
RÉVELATION - Jazz Magazine
"Autre univers, celui du quintette du batteur Baptiste Castets, touche-à- tout talentueux, multi instrumentiste passionné de technique, de production, avec une affinité particulière pour le monde de la pop. Le jazz chambriste de “Patience” RÉVÉLATION !, première réalisation en tant que leader, est un éloge de la sérénité empreint d’une certaine mélancolie, à laquelle contribue beaucoup le superbe travail du tromboniste Sébastien Uado. On s’égare avec délice dans ces morceaux rêveurs dont la fausse simplicité harmonique et mélodique rappelle parfois l’univers de Brad Mehldau."
—Pierrick Favennec (Mars, 2025)