Daniel Humair
Daniel Humair, was born on May 23, 1938 in Geneve. He learned music—on clarinet—at an early age. This strong, confident young man from Switzerland had decided to become a professional musician at the age of fifteen. He gave up the clarinet, and moved to the country, to accompany on drums an accordionist and a soprano saxophonist who played popular and folkloric dance tunes. So he had finally settled on drums for good; in 1956 and 1957, he put all his efforts into this instrument, where it’s so easy to be overlooked, and tried his luck at the Zurich Jazz Festival. There, he took home the Best Young Musician award, the first spot in the Modern Drummer category, and one last award in the Traditional Style. These awards were enough to earn him a spot in a touring orchestra.
At twenty, he began traveling through Europe. During his travels he played with Don Byas, Jacques Pelzer, Nico...